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I based my costume on what would allow me to wear yoga pants.

I'm not expecting anyone to read this blog. I'm really using it as a receptacle for random thoughts I have, things I want to remember, lessons I'd like to pass on to my kids, a test to see if I can really half-ass even something as big (to me) as a blog.


My mother did not understand when I told her I was going to start whole-heartily half-assing my life. She didn't understand because she is not an over-achiever. She is simply an achiever. I had to explain to her that by half-assing my life I was really just removing the "over" part of my over-achiever nature. That was the half I was cutting out.


If you are just a standard, live-and-let-live, carefree, non-obsessing, regular old contented achiever - kudos. So happy for you. The words on this blog probably won't sound anything like the script running in your brain. But you may want to read some of them anyway as these words may give you a glimpse into the brains (and hearts and souls and emotions) of the over-achievers you may love...or the ones you may just be stuck with. (If I weren't half-assing this I would rewrite that entire sentence so that it didn't end in a preposition. But I'm not going to do that. I'm just going to leave it there. Intentionally.)


If, however, your script sounds something similar to mine ("I'm too much, I'm not enough, I should've done more, I did too much, I could've done better, I could be better, why can't I do better, I am not enough, I am too much") then I hope that some of these words may be broken twigs for you as you are on your own journey through these woods. Because there is good news! I am learning that there is a way out.



I'd love to connect with you and hear your thoughts!

Thanks for taking the time to reach out! I'll be in touch.

© 2022

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